Ranking SPDR Sector ETFs vs each other, XHB, while falling from top spot during range bound price move never slipped out of top 5. Currently ranked #3, and as of 12/24 has broken out of range to upside. Quintessential momentum action.
Ranking SPDR Sector ETFs vs each other, XHB, while falling from top spot during range bound price move never slipped out of top 5. Currently ranked #3, and as of 12/24 has broken out of range to upside. Quintessential momentum action.
$USDJPY overlay with $FXY
Consistent outperformance of Coffee Continuous Contract relative to the iPath DJ-UBS Coffee Total Return Sub-Index $JO
Euro zone equities have held up during EURUSD weakness before - no room to rally when EURO rallied though.
$IEV $SPY crossrate.
Extension opportunity for mean reversion trade
Here's where prior Small/Mid Cap relative strength has been rotating to since Oct.
Here's where prior Small/Mid Cap relative strength has been rotating to since Oct.
TLT and GLD trading w/ positive correlation since Spring 2013 Treasury rate spike. Sometimes GLD has led slightly, but today they are trading inverse.
European equity investors are acting in time with EURJPY moves after lagging trades in Spring/Summer
Nice tight correlation - DBJP seems to underperform a tad when Yen weakening.
Less volatile DXJ tracks USDJPY w/ high correlation
EWJ following current positive B/O of USDJPY from multi-month compression
Since May-July rate rally/Gold selloff - the relative relationship has become Range Bound - Neutral. Testing lower band currently.
IYR SPY cross price