For Apple fans everywhere, Thursday was a big birthday. 13 years ago, Steve Jobs revealed the first iPod. This was a major step for Apple as it increased its presence in the portable device market. It also paved the way for its giant iTunes business. The chart above shows Apple’s stock since 2001. It pays particular attention to the date and release of the first...
Somebody once taught me to look on the bright side of life, which is advice I always tried to keep close, even when the cause seems lost. The loss of momentum for stocks on Monday was defined by a close 1.6% below the 200-day moving average. Indeed the slide below the key technical level might have accelerated selling pressure and further soured investor...
The Nasdaq is almost a spitting distance from it's all time highs in the year 2000. The NASDAQ has had quite a run since the index had bottomed in 2009 during the financial crisis. To date, it has travelled 264% from the 2009 low. This has brought the index to where it is presently which is 12% from it's all time highs. The ride to this new level could become more...
After a slow start, the 3-D printer industry is catching fire, with Gartner estimating that worldwide shipments of 3D printers priced under $100,000 will grow by 49 percent in 2013. In other words, 3D printer companies are expected to sell 56,507 sub-$100,000 3D printers this year. That number is expected to double by 2015, as big product...
100% technical buy signals - 18 new highs and up 13.80% in the last month - Relative Strength Index 78%
From Throughout the history of investing in stocks, a great divide has always existed between the balance sheet (book value) and income statement (net income). A company with a low book value can obtain a significant market value due to high expectations of future earnings. Conversely, a company with a high book value and limited earnings...
Brent Crude surged above $110 this week and WTI Crude moved above $96, but the spread between the two remains wide. This chart shows Brent trading some $16 higher than WTI. The indicator window shows the BRENT/WTIC ratio nearing 1.2 for the first time since early March. This is helping the refiners because they buy their raw material (oil) at WTI prices and sell...
Fantastic annotated chart from Morgan Stanley by way of FT Alphaville
Entered long at 72.00 thanks to timwest WMT has historically generated steady cash flows, and the trend is expected to continue for the retail giant, as it continues to out-price its competitors. For a number of years now, the company has successfully implemented low prices on a wide range of products, thus attracting consumers to shop at WMT. Moreover,...
This is update for Despite a growth in the company's subscriber base in all regions, except North America, RIMM posted its 1Q2012 (FY2013) results, extending losses and forcing analysts to lower their estimates yet again.
Without a salesman, I am not sure how RIM plans to grab market share. IDC reported that Apple and Google both controlled 80% of smart phone shipments in Q1. RIM's share fell from 13.6% to 6.4%. With market share diminishing so quickly and a loss of the top salesman, RIM is between a rock and a hard place. The bleeding will continue until the company can put up a...
Had bad news last week...closed below major support on major vol...could bounce but LT trend is down
Needham & Company reiterated its Buy rating and $40 price target on Tesla Motors saying premium segment strength should be beneficial and sees a bullish outlook during the Q1 call. The firm comments, "In our view, the recent pullback in TSLA share price is surprising as the company seems to be executing to plan. The Model-S is still on schedule, on track for...
After losing more than half of its market cap, Nokia fell into extremely oversold territory. Recent reports suggest that Windows-based Nokia Lumia phones are already shaking the smart phone sales. According to the majority of AMZN customers, the Lumia phone feels better than iOS and Android smartphones. I think this alliance could prove to be highly profitable in...
Seems to be really ovesold. Tesla today officially announced the pricing, options and timing for next year´s US launch of the Model S. The fact that the company is on track to meet both commitments is clearly bullish for the stock. Consequently, we remain bullish on Tesla and expect to see a retest of the $34.94 November high.
AAPL's price action may provide clue about the health of this market. It has been stuck in a sideways action since July. The base from February through July my act a support zone. Will the bearish head-and-shoulder pattern come to fruition with the stock breaking decisively below 200 MA? If it does - this stock may take the market down with it.