Here you can see an uptrend in PFE, i think that a long position in PFE will pay-off in few days. The trend looks solid and also there is impulse in it.
Here we can see in one day candles the use an oscillatory indicator, in this case Williams%, reading that indicator we can now when the price of this currency is either in a overbought or oversold state. In orange color we can see the overbought states and in green color we can see oversold states also in pink color is a line that mark the middle point of the...
Here we can see in green color a growing tendency.
Here in orange color we can see a symmetrical triangle.
Here we can see a very long lateral movement that the USD/EUR did two years ago, in orange color are the supports and in green color are the resistances, also we can see a few times when a resistance line became in a support line after those lines were broke.
Here we can se two times when using only the moving average you could do a forecast about the price, one of that forecasts is already an old prediction but the other one is going on now.
Here we can see a descending line.
Here we can see a descending line in purple color.
Here we can see in purple color a descending line in TTWO
Hello this is my first idea, also it is pretty simple, but i think buy long TTWO is a good option because Red Dead Redemption 2 is almost release (26/09/18) and that game will be a super sales and does not matter if the game is not very good, the first, second and third day after the release they are going to sell lots of copies and thad means a huge profit . The...