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Peters Dailys Peters Dailys Peters Dailys Peters Dailys Peters Dailys Peters Dailys
Vix and DXY for peter Vix and DXY for peter Vix and DXY for peter
Weekly for peter Weekly for peter Weekly for peter
ES sessions for peter ES sessions for peter ES sessions for peter ES sessions for peter
Will look for shorts after CPI data releases. Expecting a spike on either side of data and hoping for this data release to be catalyst for ES drop to take out downside targets of untested POC levels to the downside. Time horizon for downside targets is possible within the next week but the CPI data may get us a good way there. For today an estimate would be...
Market has been rallying despite potential upcoming recession. My suspicion that this is a large bull trap and there will be a large drop possibly even this week. Apple, Google and other large tech firms earnings were not great but their stocks mysteriously rallied. See their individual charts for possible gap up bull traps. Everything is poised for the rug to be...
Levels for peter to copy, Blah blah. POC, Stops etc
Gameplan for FOMC day. London session expected to be low volume range plays or slow drift. Upside targets expected to be taken out before the final large drop with eventual break of 4006
Range break to downside. target ouitside oif range MACV U red
Layout with objects for peter xfcdhdfs fdxhdsfx xdfhgxdsyhbnc cbntsey
ES analysis for today. levels etc. using volume profile ands range levels.