The top of this chart is the ratio of PSLV price to XAGUSD (Silver spot price). PSLV holds 0.361 Ozs of silver per share/unit. Lines are drawn for P/NAV=1, and at 1 and 2% premium levels. Since PSLV is a closed end fund, it may trade at a premium. However, PSLV has a shelf offer allowing them to add shares/silver, which they have been doing. By...
This chart shows the recent trend of increasing interest in the silver ETF PSLV (managed by Sprott Inc) vs. SLV (managed by Blackrock with JPMorgan as the custodian). Volume ratio is normalized by ounces per share, so it is the ratio of silver traded for each ETF PSLV is the preferred fund for the Reddit group wallstreetsilver and most people in...