Very low risk to reward. This crypto has a lot going for it. Clever marketing, nice design, exchange opened, up and coming. Just sayin'.
A reversal into a bearish trend is highly probable before The Galactic Times of 9 will accept passengers for transport. Thank you for your patience.
COVID is not over, the fear is not over, and the dumping is not yet over.
The SWELL window. Let's see what the news brings.
My date range was off a little bit with my previous post.
Head and Shoulders - Lookout!
With the SWELL conference only 19 days away... we sure have a nice setup. Still, plenty of FUD to go around... but something is in the air. Something is different. The entire world is changing, and it is being felt by many. It is foolish not to take some level of risk on XRP. I live a life very deep in tech, spend most hours of the day programming, and love the...
Short to the bottom of the wedge... Scalp some coin ... Buy into the completion of the wedge to the moon. Stoploss is set.
Too many possibilities for one chart. You get the idea though. It is a waiting game.
HODL will go down in history as one of the most powerful and life-changing words of this century.