sad but true salaries are runteeo rodeo onward, how to spend money when you are a fraud? wisely, yes...
idk, this volatility is nuts... how to pill off the market when you are the whale, but it's 3rd amendment? endure? evolve? both?
so we have a spotify, apple music, youtube and many more opprehender WINAMP, selena and miley are with us! our motto is "music should be relaxing and compell productivity in ourselves" please register and try usability, no music yet, "soundcheck" only.
for this TA i used federal reserve note resumes, inflation dependencies, prices of concumer goods and some more news (3-8 month rumours of JEREMY POWELL) and some fib square candle indicators. my opinion is opierehanded neterwise.
just like in classic management books were foretold :)
so lucid is a stalon of the CAr Market with citizenship of WHO THE HELL KNOWS what: modena design for sleek, asian electical equipment to move the wheels, american heart with trading location at nasdaq, russian dupe lollicon appearance of the whole vehicle design. cars are on fire but opinions differ, razee, coal and bitter. not your ordinary CHEVY yet already...
i dont know what to think already, this is INSANE and totally inaccorporriate
my hopes are with gas , prices will grow thy, but i REALLY hope not that big, i got 2 litre munchmonster
Like an apple pie this time ticker AAPL will be better the better the pie will be. Till the product placement to the poll, we will lose gains, but awe to the product we grow. You should know that iPhone is better EVERY year....
my name is Fish the DOOZE and i got a maybach excelero which is my nft, i photobomb cars and sell pictures of my MMG. feel free to explore and have a good time!
so you see how the trend goes down when there is a lack of one of the COMMODITY when we are talking about the classical marxistische economy commodity-money-commodity
As for me, I see that head, that weird, but sort of symmetric head. If dollar wont be way too volatile, we'll see, I hope, another shoulder.
Cocoa could be very good if watered good but not plenty on vegetation and 8 percent more on flowering. cut the lower leaves on vegetation please, leave %70 of all growing leaves please monsierie mexican farmers. see ya.