Please pay close attention to this crucial support level. It previously served as a significant resistance level and also represented a period of market equilibrium and concentration.
I found this trend.. any comments.. please share them. Thanks
After falling from 160 USD a share, WMT formed double bottom at around 117 USD a share, and a high of 129 USD a share in between. The short time trend from 129 to 117 is now broken to the up side with decent volume.
The down trend is broken in 15min chart, there are signs the stock is bottoming or near bottoming for the short term.
Prepare yourself for 2036. This chart explain itself.
Oil is at historical lows when priced in gold, The chart speaks for itself.
If you think $SPY is at new high levels today in comparison with dot com bubble and 2008 crash, Think again. $SPY today is actually 58% cheaper than it was in the peak of dot com, and cost the same as it did in 2007.. in term of gold. The SPY in monthly chart shows it recovery from dot com crash started Jan 2013. Ticker SPY/GOLD