GJ - DAILY PROJECTION + ANALYSISFor me to enter i would need GJ to come down and hit the current fib and 158.500 or 157.500 to buy it up.
At 164.500 I'll need to assess what price wants to do to there because it can drop from there or it can retrace temporarily and fake everyone into selling at that fib only to continue bullish and raid everyone's stop losses. (I would if I was a bank)
This is probably my 1st choice of outcome as it just screams pure evil and hedge funds. Now as you can see - there are 2 bullish options and they both just depend on the depth of the retracement at the fib.
Basically, it depends on how pissed off the banks are on a Monday morning (today). If they feel like running everyone out of the market, they will flood the market and cause that deep retracement at about 156.500 or 157.500 or lower and THEN continue bullish.
Or they will only cause a shallow liquidity raid and let some of us live at roughly 162.500 or slightly lower and then continue bullish.
Remember - whatever I say here is not verbatim.
ANYTHING and everything can happen. I am always re assessing and readjusting my analysis's - as some of my projections will change mid-week and I'll then have a new projection depending on how price plays out and also depending on this week's news as there's a lot. (I don't trade news)
I will say this again and again - you MUST adapt to the market. Just because your projection at the beginning of the week says one thing it doesn't mean you need to stick to it just to prove to everyone on trading view and on your Instagram that you are 'right'. You will end up losing all your money and end up deleting your insta and blocking everyone.
During the week, if your analysis plays out differently to your Sunday projection so be it! Who cares if your wrong? Change it and adapt to the market conditions and be confident.
That is the difference between professional and amateur traders. There is no shame in being wrong in your analysis. What's wrong is being stubborn and wanting to always be right just to prove a point. The market doesn't give a f*ck if you are right or wrong it will just eliminate you with everyone else. The traders who adapt and evolve with the market conditions are the ones that make it and thrive. The sooner you can do that, the sooner you will make money consistently. :)
USOIL OUTLOOKWith NFP being released this week Friday, WTI has yet again maintained a strong supply level at 81.87, this take us back to the monthly time frame where there’s been more buying pressure and shift of sellers momentum on the weekly time frame.
If 79.50 holds as a solid resistance, we could see price fall towards 78.10-77.43 range where I would anticipate a buying opportunity if respected.
With price closing below previous support at 79.50, if support is respected back above 79.50 level, I would anticipate buys towards 81.87-82.35 range.
Please see our updated 1H chart Goldturn support and resistance levels and targets.
As you can see price has been ranging between 1918 - 1946 and the retracement zone has been tested and respected more than once. When a support or resistance area is tested more than once, it usually strengthens that level further. We would need to see 1918 broken with ema5 to open the lower levels into the swing range or we are likely to see another challenge back up to 1946.
We would need to see ema5 cross and lock above 1946 to open upper levels upto the next structure. Our plans to buy dips from support levels are still in play and we will continue to track the movement level to level using EMA5 cross and lock.
1931 -
1937 -
1946 -
1924 -
1918 -
As always, we will keep you all updated with regular updates throughout the week and how we manage the active ideas and setups. Please don't forget to like, comment and follow to support us, we really appreciate it!
Please see our 4H chart updated Goldturn support and resistance levels and targets.
We have also updated out Goldturn ascending channel, which is being respected well. EMA5 failed to lock above 1941, which followed with a rejection down to the retracement zone identified.
We will need to see the retracement level broken for price to break out of the channel to challenge the swing range. Failure to break below the retracement level and we are likely to see another 1941 challenge. A EMA5 cross and lock above 1941 will see price challenge the channel top.
Our plans to buy dips from support levels are still in play and we will continue to track the movement level to level using EMA5 cross and lock.
We would need to see ema5 cross and lock above 1941 to open upper levels, upto the next structure.
1941 -
1926 -
1916 -
1906 -
As always, we will keep you all updated with regular updates throughout the week and how we manage the active ideas and setups. Please don't forget to like, comment and follow to support us, we really appreciate it!
GoldViewFX - DAILY CHART SETUPHey Everyone,
Please see our updated daily chart setup, which is looking very much Bullish.
We have had a lovely clean run above and now price and EMA5 has broken and locked above 1927 opening 1968 as a long range target.
As usual you can always expect swings on all daily chart setups due to the range of the targets. This is where we will use our smaller timeframe setups to pick the entries and exits and use any swings for positional entries to manage range shifts.
Our chart structure remains very much Bullish, although we can see a new Goldturn just above 1927 gearing for a turn. This suggests, we may see some retracement before further continuation and therefore, need to keep this in mind when planning to buy dips.
As always, we will keep you all updated with regular updates throughout the week and how we manage the active ideas and setups. Please don't forget to like, comment and follow to support us, we really appreciate it!
AUDNZD. one of the best book ever you gona read on notes my faviourit trading book.
all was looking for parallelisms of behavior learning read the tap.
all I knew was the arithmetic of it it was a matter of fact mine was the ideal way to operate in a bucket shop.
being right by using your head if I was right when I tested
it was one man's business to anyhow it was my head wasn't it prices either were going the way doped them out help from friends or partners or they are going other way and nobody could stop them out kindness to me.
in od day whenever a bucket shop was found loaded with too many bulls on certain stock it was common practice to some broker wash down the price of that particular far enough to wipe out all the customers that were long of it
whenever was an unexplained sharp drop which was followed by instant recovery the newspapers
2 if my order is big my own sales would tend future to press the price
when you know what not to do in order to not to lose money. you begin learn what to do in order to win . you begin to learn.
if the stock doesn't act right don't touch it being unable to wrong you cannot tell which way it is going no diagnosis no prognosis no profit.
i had to study what was going to happen to anticipate stock movements
it was the change in my own attitude toward the game that was of supreme to me it taught me little by essential difference between betting on fluctuations and anticipating inevitable advances in declines between gambling and speculating I had to go further than an hour in my studies of the market which was something I never would have learned to do in the biggest bucket shop in the world I interested my self in trade reports and railroad earning and financial commercial statistics
they call me the boy plunger . i like to study the moves, I never thought that anything was irksome if it help me to trade more intelligently.
before I solve a problem I must state it my myself, when I think I have found a solution I must prove I'm right. i know how to prove it and that is with my own money.
there is much to learn from partial victory as from a defeat
don't be a sucker, this semi sucker he loves to buy on declines he waits he measures his bargains by the number of points sold off from the top, big bull markets the plain unadulterated sucker utterly ignorant of rules and precedence buys blindly because he hopes blindly he makes most of the money until the one of the healthy reactions takes it away from him at one fell swoop but the careful mic sucker does what I did when I through I was playing the game intelligently according to the intelligent of others
big money is was not in the individual fluctuations but in the main movements that not reading the tap.but sizing up the entire market and its trend
it all was my sitting got that my sitting tight its no trick at all to be right on the market you all ways earily bulls and bulls earily bears and bear markets I know many man who was buying and selling as price as very level which is how the greatest profit and their experience invariably match mine that is they made no real money out of it.
men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon I found it one o the hardest things to learn but it is only after a stock operator has firmly grasped this that he can make big money . its easy to millions will come to traders after he knows how to trade than hundreds did in the days of ignorance
the reason is that a man may see straight and clearly and become impatient or doubtful when the market takes its time about doing as he figured it must do that's why who all are not all in Wallstreet not in the soccer class not even third grade never the less lose money.the market does not beat them they beat themselves because though they have brains they cannot sit tight.
old turkey was dead right is doing and saying what he did and had not only the courage of his convictions but intelligent patience to sit tight.
you must study of general conditions and not tips or general factors affecting individual stocks then get out of you all your stocks wait until yous see or if you prefer until you see the turn of the market the beginning of the reveal of the general conditions have to use your brains and your visions to do this.
trade less unintelligently was that my initial operation seldom showed me a loss that naturally made me decide to start big it gave confidence my own judgment before I allowed it to be vitiated by the advice.of others or even by my own impatience at times without faith in his own judgment, no man can go very far in this game. that's all I earn to study general conditions to take a position and stick to it. i can wait without a twinge of impatience I can see a set mack without being shaken knowing that it is only temporary.
i watch the market with to look quotation board and to read the signs is one process union process going up, price is high but the stock as acted as accumulated I watched a couple of days without trading in it the more I watched it the more convinced i became that it was being bought on balance by somebody who was no somebody who not only had big bank roll but knew what was why very clever accumulation I through. as soon as I was sure this I naturally began to buy it 160. I kept on buying it 500 share at clip the more I bought stronger it got and I was feeling very comfortable I couldn't stop that stock go up a great deal more not what I read on the tape .
my tape reading simply told me someone manipulated by the insiders made the tape tell a story.
I belive competed for my education as a trader .it all I need to learn was not to take tips but follow my inclination it was that I gained confidence in my self and I was shake off the old method of trading that seratoga expirance was my last haphazard hit .
buying stock comfortable way know its not so much to buy as cheap as possible or go shorted at top prices buy.
buying and sell the right time, when I bearish and I sell a stock each sale mut be lower level. the previous sale , when I buying reverse is true I must buying in rising scale I don't buy a long stock on scale down I buy on scale-up let example I buy 200 share at no the stock goes up ill after I by it at least temporarily right in my operation because its point hier it show me profit I'm right I go and buy 2000 shares if market is rising I buy a third lot of 2000 shares say the price goes to 114 I think enough to time being for the time
I all was try to buy effectively in such a way as to help my side of the market when it comes to selling stocks its plain nobody can sell unless somebody wants those stocks if you operate large scale you will have to bear that in mind all the time a man studies conditions plans his operations carefully and proceeds to act well that man cant sell at will you cant expect the market to absorb 50,000 shares one stock easily as it does one hundred he will have to wait until he has a market there to take it there comes to time the requisite buying power there .
that opportunity comes he sees it as rule he will have been waiting for it he has to sell when he can not when he wants to learn the time he has to watch and test it's no trick to tell when the market can take what you give it.
starting movement its unwise to take on your full line unless you are convinced that conditions are exactly right to remember stocks are never too high for to begin buying or are too low to begin selling after the initial transaction don't make a second unless the first shows you a profit wait and watch that is where your tape reading cones in to enable you to decide as the proper time for beginning . at the exactly right time, it took me years to realize the importance of this it also cost some hundreds of thousands of dollars
500 stock don't buy all together if he is merely gambling the only advice I have to give him is don't .
i realize big money must necessarily be in the big swing whatever might seem to give a big swing its initial impulse the fact is that its continuance is not the result of manipulation by pools or artifice by financiers but depends upon basic conditions and no matter who opposes it the swing inevitably run as fast and as long as the impelling forces determine.
the man is not limited in his trading he could buy or sell an entire list in certain stocks a short line is dangerous after a man sells more than a certain percentage of the capital stock the amount depends upon how where and by whom the stock is but he could sell a million shares of the general list if he had the price without the danger or being squeezed.
man must study general conditions to size them so as to anticipate probabilities.
in the long run commodity prices are governed but by one law the economic law of demand and supply the business of the trader in commodity is simply to get facts about the demand and supply presence and perspective he does not indulge in guesses about a dozen things as he does in stocks
the massage of the tape is same that will be perfectly plain to anyone who will take the trouble to think he will find if he asks himself questions and considers conditions that answer will supply them self directly
the object is reading the tape is to ascertain first how next when to trade that is whether its wiser to buy than to sell it works exactly for stocks cotten weed or oats.
you watch the market that course of prices as recorded by the tape with one object to determine the direction that is the price tendency
price we know move up or down according to the resistance they encounter for purposes of easy explanation say like everything move along line of least resistance, therefore, they will go up is less resistance to advance than to a decline and vice versa.
speculator profit from rise or fall from whtever he maybe speculating line of least reisitance at the moment of trading and what he should wait for is the moment that line defines its selfs becuse that is his singnal to get busy
reading the tape see 130 has been stronger than buying and reaction in the price logically followed up to the point where the selling prevaild over the buying superficial students of the tape may conclude that the price is not going to stop short of 150 and they buy after reaction begins they hold on or sell out small loss or they go short talk bearish
the public whipswed that one marvels at ther persistance not learnning there lession eventily something happens increase the power of either the upward or the downward force and the point of greatest resistance moves up or down buy for 130 will for the first time be stronger than the selling at 120 be stronger tha the buying
price will break old barrier or movement limit and go on as rule is always a crowded traders who re short at 120. becuse it looks aweek or long at 130 becuse it looks so strong when the market goes against them they are forced after while either to change their minds and turn or close out more cleariy the line of least resistance
thus interligent trader who has patiently waitted to detrmine this line will enlist the aid of fundamental trade conditions and also force of the trading of that part of the community that happennened to guess wrrong and must now rectifying mistakes such corrections tend to push prices along the line of least of resistance
narrow market when prices not getting anywhere speak of but move with a narrow range there is no sense to trying to anticipate what the next big movement is going to be up or down thing s to do watch the market read the tape determine the limits of the get nowhere prices and make up your mind that you will not take and price breaks throught the limit either direction
a speculator must concern himself with making money out of the market and not insisting that tape must agree with him never ask it reasons explanations
speculative guns that is waitting for the linee of least resistance defines it self and begin buying only when the tape said up or selling only only said down . he should accumulate his line on the way up let him buy one fifth of his full line if that if that doesnot show him a profit he must not increase his holdings he has obviousely begun wrrong he is wrong tempororily and there is no profit in being wrong anytime.
man can spend years at onething and not acquire a habitual attitude towards it quite unlike average beginner the diffarence distinguishedes the professional from the amature it is the man way a looks at things that makes or loses money for him in the speculative markets
you have to get out you have a market that absorb your entire line failure to grasp the opertunitunity to get out maycost you millions you cannot hesitste if you do your lost nether neather runs like the price the bears by means of competitive buying for you may thereby reduce the absorbing capacity and i want to tell you that perceving your opportunity is not as easy it sounds
a man must be on the look out so alertly when his chance sticks in its head at his door he must grap it.
i get my pleasure out of matching my brains against the brains of othere traders men whom i never seen and never talked to and never advised to buy or sell and never expect to eet or know when i make money i make it backing my own opinions i dont sell them or capitalize them if i maid any way i would imagaine i had not earned it.your propostion does not intrest me im intrested in game only as i play it for my self and in y own way .
speculator has a host of enemies maney of whom successfully bore from within i had in mind my many mistakes i have learned that a man may possess an original mind and life long habit of independent thinking and with all be vulnerable to attacks by the persuasive personality
im fairly immune from the commoner speculative ailments such as greed and fear and hope but being ordinary man i find i can heir with great ease i ought to have been on my guard at this particular time bacuse not long before that i had an experience that proved how easily a man may be talked into doing something against his judgment and even against his wishes .
i learn my self that i could not trust my self to remain equally unaffected by men and misfortunes . all times .
man know himself thoroughly if he is going to make a good job out of trading in the speculative markets to know what i was capable of in the line of folly was a long educational step .
a trader studying basic conditions remanbering market precedence and keeping in mind the psyshology of the public as well as the limitations of his brokers must also know himself and provide against his own weaknesses
i have studied and reckoned on my own reactions to given impulses or to the inverable temptations of an active market quite in same mood and spirit as i have considered crop condtions anylyize reports of earnnings so day after day broke and enxiouse resume trading i sat in front of quation board in another brokers office where i couldnt buy or share one share of stock studying the market not not missing a single trasaction on the tape . watching the psychological moment to ring full speed ahead bell by reason of condition whole world.
than one day entire market become quite weak and prices all stock begain to fall i had a profilt of least four point in each and evry one of the 12 stocks that i was short of i knew that i was right the tape told me it was now safe to be bearish so i promptly doubled up i had my postion i was short of stocks in a market that now was plainly bear market there wasnt any need for me to push things along the market was bound to go my way and knowing that i could afford to wait after i double up i dint make long trade for long time .
when something happens on which you did not count when you maid your plans it behooves you to utilze the opertunitiey that a kindly fate offers you for one thing on a bad break like that you have big market one that you can turn arround in and that is the time to turn your paper profits in to real money , even bear market a man cannot 120,000 share stock without putting price on himself he must wait for the market that will allow him to buy that much at no damage to his profit as it stands him on paper .
my expirance 30 years of trader is that such accident are usally along the line of least resistance which i base my postion in the market another thing bear in mind is never try to sell at the top it isnt wise sell sell after reaction if there is no rally
as i said before man doesnot have to marry one side of the market death do them part.
honesty is a best practice the big money was in being square and not in welshing , i never throught it good business to play any game in any place necessary keep an eye on the dealer becuse he was likely cheat if unwatched.
but against the whining welsher the decent man is powerless fair play is a fair play i could tell you a dozen instance where i been the victim own belief in the sacredness of the pladged word or of the inviobility gentlemen agreement.
life it self from the cradle to the grave is gamble.
expirance has taught me that a man can aways find an opportunity to make his profit real and that opportunity usually coes at the end of the move . that inst tape reading or hunch.
you can transmi knowlage that is your particular card index facts. but not expirance a man may know what to do and lose money if he doesnt do quicly enough onservation expirance and mathamtics these are thr sucessful trader must depend on.
he must not observe accurately but reemanber at all times he has obserb he cannot bet un reasonable or unexpected how ever personal convection maybe about mans unreasonabaleness he must bet on probabitilites try to anticipate them years of practice of the game consitance study of always remanbering enable the trader to act the instant when te unexpected happens as well as when the expected come to pass
after years of the game it become habit to keep posted he acts almost automatically he acquires the invalauble professional attitude and that enables him to beat the game at times this diffrents between the professional and the amature or accasional trader cannot be overmphased .
i find instance menory and mathamtics help me very much. wall street makes money on mahamtics basis it makes money facts and figures
when i said trader ha to keep posted to the minute and that he must take professional attitude toward all developments im merely
expirance trader act so quckly that he has all kind of reson to give advance but never the good and sufficient reasons becuse they are based on facts collected by him years of working and thinking and seeng things from the angle of the proffesional
professional attitide i keep track of all commedites allways ints habit of years figures and condition yield mathamtics
expirance has tought me that the way a market behaves excellent guide for an operator to follow its like a taking a patient temperature and pulse or nothing the clour of the eye balls and the coating of the tought.
buying ten thousand , fifteen tousand bushels instesd taking two or 3 trasaction price went down and quarter cent on my selling now i need not waste time the way market took my weat and the desproportion decline on my selling told me there is no buying power there such being the case what is only thing to do of course sell lot more
i found expirance that abto be a steady dividend pay in this game. and observation gives you best tips for all. you need to observe the stocks .
vision without money means heartaches with money it means achivements that means power and that means money that means achivement
the majority of cases the object of manipulation is sell stock to the public at the best possible price its not question of alone selling its distributing .
i sell stock on balance if the demand is what it ought to be it will absorb more than the amount of stock i was compelled accumulate in the earily stages of manipulation when this happens i sell the stock short that is tecnically in othere words i sell more stock i actually hold it is perfafectily safe for me to do so since im really selling against my costs ofcox demnd from the public slackens stock try to be advance than i wait i see stock become advance weekday entire market maybe develope rectionary tendancy or some sharp traders may precive there no buying orders are no buying to speak my stocks and he sells it. and his fellows follow what ever resons maybe my stocks go down , i begin to buy it i give it the support that a stock i have if its good order own sponsers and more im able to to support it without accumlating it that is without increasing it the amount i shall have to sell later on observe that i do this without decreasing my finceal resources ofcox i i sold short at higher coving prices when the demand rom the public or fro the traders or from borth enabled me to do it
sometimes stocks get waterlogged as were it doesnt go up that is a time to sellthe price naturally will go down on your selling rather futher thn you wish but you genarally nurse it back as long as the stock that im maipulating goes up on my buying i know im hunky and i need be i buy it with confidence use my own money without fear priceisely as i would anyothere stocks that acts the same way its line of least resistance .
when the price line of least resistance is established i follow it not im manipulating that particular stocks at particular moment becuse im a stock operator at all times when my buying doesnot put stock up i stop buying and then proceed to sell it down and that also is exacitly what i would do with same stock if i did not happen to be manipulating
the principal marketing of the stock as you know i done on the way down its perfactily astonishing how much stock a man can get rid of a decline i repeate at no time during the manipulation do i forget to be a stock trader my problems as manipulator after all are same that conforont me as an operator all manipulation comes to end when the manipulator cannot make a stock do what he wants it to do when the stock maanipulating doesnt act as it should quit dont argue with the tape do not seek to lure the profit back quit while the quitting is good and cheap .
you dont sell and bulk on the advance you cant big selling is done on the way down from the top . i canot put your stock to 125 or 130 i like to but it cant be done so you have to begin your selling to from this level my opinion all stocks are going down and petrolume products isnt going to be the one excepttion its better for go down now on the pool selling than for it to break next month on selling by someone else it will go down anyhow .
value making information kept from public while the now tacit term prominent insiders go to the market and buy all the cheap stocks they can lay their hands on as this well informed but unostentatious buying keeps on the stocks raises finacial reporters knowing that the insiders ought to know reason to the rise ask questions the unanimously anonymous insiders unanimously declare that they have no news to give out they do not know that there is any warrant for the rise continues and there comes a happy day when those who know have all the stock they want and can carry street at once begin to hear all kind of bullish rumors the tickers ell the traders on good authority that the companey has definitly turn the corner
trend is know down ward just as they brought without any flourish or trumpets when the compneys business term for better they now silentily sell inside selling the stock naturally decline then the public begins to get the familier explanations a leading insider asserts that everything is ok and decline is merly the result of selling by bears who are trying to affeted the genral market
GoldViewFX - Market UPDATEHey Everyone,
Another PIPTASTIC day for us waiting patiently for the price to retrace, as we rode up all the way into the resistance structure yesterday. Today we waited for the rejection back into the retracement range for a clean signal activation and take profit of 50 PIPS and trailing.
We are also keeping in mind yesterdays breakout of the resistance structure with ema5 cross and lock above 1945 confirming there is more left to this bull run. We will continue with our plans to buy dips and will use our signals and Goldturns to navigate up and down to pick safe entries and exits.
Our 1H and 4h Chart ideas are now complete. However, as price is back in the range, we can continue to track the same setup until we prepare our multi timeframe analysis for the coming week on Sunday.
1930 - DONE
1934 - DONE
1940 - DONE
1924 - DONE
1918 - DONE
As always, we will keep you all updated with regular updates throughout the week and how we manage the active ideas and setups. Please don't forget to like, comment and follow to support us, we really appreciate it!
AUDUSD consolidating. Wait for a break AUDUSD
Fist time we see it closing below asia open, not suggesting a possible reversal but market has started consolidating after a touch on the weekly supply demand. Clearly on a consolidation on htf at the moment and trading inside bar on daily tf (switch to daily chart)>
1h & Weekly.
1h & 4h current consolidation range. A break of this htf range could show where we will likely go.
GoldViewFX - END OF WEEK UPDATEHey Everyone,
Another great day today finishing of our week strong.
The retracement range on our 1H chart has been playing out all week giving plenty of entries and exits (SEE BELOW)
As highlighted last week, we got the EMA5 cross and lock above 1858 with our next target of 1928 HIT last week. The weekly candle failed to close above this level , which may now follow with some retracement but ultimately the last longer range target above remains open, now that we have the cross and lock above 1858.
- This is playing out as expected and now I would love to see if we finish of todays weekly candle above the 1928 level. Although we remain Bullish long term, we will need to keep in mind the ema5 detachment we now have two weeks running, which leaves room for a retracement down.
We will now come back Sunday with our multi timeframe analysis and trading plans for the coming week.
Hope you all have a great weekend and please don't forget to like, comment and follow to support us, we really appreciate it and it helps us to continue to share regular updates and content with you all.