Halliburton ($HAL) Gain on Down Day in Crude's Significance Halliburton has gained upwards of 1.8%, or 21-22 cents/share, while the price of crude has fallen at the same time. While this is not wholly indicative in and of itself of a major trend, it's significance also should not be ignored: $HAL Is the top producer of oil manufacturing equipment while providing tops in arrays of field surveys; it is an indispensable cog in the rotation of the overall recovery in the crude market. The fact it has continued to correct while crude prices trend red today means that $HAL Is going to gain rapidly in the next weeks, perhaps ending the next month near 16-18 per share, even.
Halliburton Opens HUGE Buy Window for EVENTUAL Long; PredictablyThe "Delayed dip" in reaction to $USOIL "hitting the crapper" took a full weekend to sink in, but $HAL has opened way down, as has rival $LBRT. Great buy windows will be here this week, and a re-entry could possibly wait until $HAL plummets sub-13 per share. It is finding no support at this level currently (now 12.98 as of the update, 1034 EDT).
This could set up a very nice long swing, as the oil stocks have throughout a very strange corrective season in a lingering COVID-world. Unable to assess much with regard to its recovery, an entry < 13 on a stock holding just exited at 16.55/s is about as golden as it gets, presumably.
$HAL (3rd) EXIT: 16.55
Re-entrance @ -3.55+ per share is beyond ideal.
Milk the udders of this cow with precision, but caution. As for advice, I advise doing your own homework whether this sounds clever and great or abysmally misleading!
See related idea from September 9th "Test of Halliburton Strength to come"
True Test of Halliburton Strength to come With $USOIL Crapping$HAL has fought furiously through a terrible market for $USOIL, but its time of reckoning could now be here with OIL under 38 per barrel. It would be wholly unsurprising to see $HAL go sub-14, even sub-13, because oil dipped roughly 7 percent yesterday and that dip in price will take some time to be recovered. $HAL and most oil-related stocks should be shorted for the time being.
If Halliburton holds its value with oil this far in the crapper, it is an even stronger company than previously thought. Halliburton has been around since 1919, so 101-years of resiliency will be put to the test until crude prices at least climb 40/bar again. Logic dictates that HAL, LBRT, and all the actual oil giants (BP, Shell, etc) take a royal tumble throughout the remainder of September, even.
That is to say, this trader scheduled a PUT for $HAL with a break-even at just under 14/s. The risk is high with $HAL having shown so much strength since its position was first entered at 5.11/share, but rather than "only wait" for the re-entrance point it made sense to place a put on Halliburton accordingly. As far as advice, none given: If you think it's a clever and good move, more power to you and your account.
May the odds be forever in your favor!
$HAL Re-Entrance Time: Cycle-Timing, Projecting Next Exit$HAL has been a pet for this trader (Those who are already following yours truly have surely noticed), and the time to re-enter and ride Halliburton has arrived again. A partial re-entrance was made at 15.99 / Full entrance will be here at 16.20.
The last EXIT was at 16.55; substantial gain before a retrace that we all just saw.
The next exit will be eyed at the 17.12 mark; further evaluation of the harmonics to come when it reaches that Fibonacci point, as well.
$USOIL climbed past 43/bar while HAL lingered (even decreasing) - the delayed GAINS now are being reeled in. This is still the same MASSIVE CORRECTION that I first entered at 5.09 per share in mid-March.
Since that point, we have over a 300 percent correction with a bit more to come. The final-point to "stop toying with" HAL will come around 21 per share; that could be a ways away-- projections of that nature are fairly useless unless someone is taking a mega-long call, and even still, there is too much room to even worry about that mark yet. For now, a re-entrance at 16.2 is fine --> The move to 17.12 will gain 92 cents per share on the position!
RECAP of Halliburton plays:
HAL 1st Entry was @5.09 per share
HAL 1st Exit was @12.81 per share
Hal 2nd Entry was @ 12.7 per share
Hal 2nd Exit was @ 16.55 per share
Hal 3rd Entry is @ 15.99, and fully in 16.20 (Avg cost 16.065)
Hal Potential 3rd Exit @ 17.12 -- Alert set!
$USOIL passes 43/bar; Is 45 Next, or is there a retrace coming?$USOIL has struggled for obvious reasons, COVID.
However, it climbed 43+ today and is mildly hyperbolic.
It would be surprising to see no retrace under 43, but in the moment, indications are the 45/bar mark could be sooner realized than previously thought: This should impact the oil giants, and personal pets $HAL and $LBRT, quite positively throughout the remainder of the trading week.
Keep an eye on the 45/bar mark, because that could mark a definitive recovery-point, a benchmark, for the oil giants. The oil-related stock's correlation to crude prices is there - but the timing is never as easy to guess. All systems should be go, and entry points are still available w/in reason on many crucial oil stocks - LBRT is now this trader's top holding for the time being.
Natural Exit-Point from $HAL Presenting Itself (Again)$HAL has finally spiked that elusive 16/s mark it flirted wtih ever so briefly before. Now marks a graceful point to TAKE PROFIT and exit this position. Market volatility is high and $USOIL has struggled to surpass and claim 42+ per barrel.
HAL 1st Entry was @5.09 per share
HAL 1st Exit was @12.81 per share
Hal 2nd Entry was @ 12.7 per share
Hal 2nd Exit will be 16+ per share
The game isn't done with this one, but we're marking a point here as it has thrived against a few indicators that all seem to indicate otherwise (USOIL Trending down, Market Volatility, and mirror-industry stocks such as $LBRT). We will chart $HAL carefully over the next while though with a pet this long-standing I personally don't need the alerts even. The hope is to see $HAL retrace sub-13/s, but before further analysis is done this is nothing more than a rough guesstimate at the downward trend anticipated in reaction to HAL thriving w/ so many lingering issues in the COVID correction season.
Halliburton Trending with $USOIL; Throw out Fib. Points? LONG!The long-awaited push past 43 per barrel now has taken place for oil, which renders key oil industry cog Halliburton on the rise. FIB Tracement shows a sell-point at 15.7, but tracing growth curves Halliburton should probably encounter precious little resistance until it goes 16+ per share: At that point, there is the first exit for a swing on this -- Though, this trader is staying in until 20+ as it should recapture January levels as oil trading resumes to normalcy. The original sell-window on that hovered around late 4th Quarter, but it might not be realized until late in the 1st Q of 2021, or even mid-way through the 2nd quarter. The sell-point @ 15.7 will still represent an enormous profit for those who entered near the March low at just 5 per share. Taking a 300+% profit is fine, but there is a longer play here that should have no issues coming to fruition.
Post note: See related idea (July 15) which was kind of a final "all call" to "long" $HAL. That said, it's really still **NOT** too late. Good luck!
Halliburton Correction Trend Firming; A Great Entrance STILL (!)FIB retracement shows indications of a final-long on $HAL w/ the current entry point still providing strong value. On a great day for the market overall, Halliburton is on the wave of corrections again:
USOIL is pushing towards 41/bar and could hit 42+ by the conclusion of the trading week: Again, this is an "all systems go" for the same $HAL long that has been discussed since entrance at 5/share in mid-March. This is not a "too late to enter" scenario at all; rather, a perfect entry point for anyone looking for a nice long swing trade on this crucial cog in the oil refinery industry
Addendum (Unnecessary variety): Though I did claim on a previous update to the last $HAL entry that I would exit @ 12.5/share - I clearly talked myself out of that one and maintain the strength of confidence I did when first entering this. The eventual correction we are looking for is 22/share; it traded 25 on the opening of the calendar year before the disaster took hold of the market due to COVID-19 mania...
As always: Happy Trading and Investing!
$HalAnother means of profiting off of corona Virus is $HAL, with oil production seemingly on a halt due to new corona cases it looks as if this might be a perfect opportunity to short this stock.
Other oil companies fall within the same realm though. If the news continues to worsen this could lead to an incredible (but unfortunate) opportunity for profit. Layoffs among oil companies are among record highs right now. While no one wants these things to happen you might as well make money off of them (Because the rich definitely are)
Halliburton Correction Crawling: Profit Lingers Too DistantHalliburton has been a pet stock for this trader since entering during its 2020 low around 5 per share. The correction since has been great: But it has also STALLED. $HAL spiked to 16/bar and the anticipation of a re-test of that mark has been utterly defeated by the inability of $USOIL Unable itself to really crumble the 40/bar mark. It has tested and failed that mark at least four times, with it now back under 40 again. The COVID lingering is mostly why, but this Virus has been tenaciously grasping itself into the oil sector heavily.
Gas prices at pumps just fell. $HAL will likely still make that 200% correction from this point that's been preyed upon...the fact is, that might still linger DEEP into 2021, and for much more short-term and profitable gains, an EXIT POINT should probably be sought with this lynchpin stock in the oil industry. While it would be lunacy to call a 225-250% ROI on the 5/s entrance point a failure, the full correction on this just dwells too far in the future to continually wager on its inevitability -- for this trader, anyway.
Good luck w/ this position if you do await its full correction: Patience will be NEEDED!
Halliburton to re-test 16/s point by month end?As temporary and confusing as $HAL spike 16+ was, with oil now firmly over 40/bar again the time for drilling in mass quantities is nigh. With European and other int'l re-openings progressing past further stages than domestic markers, oil is primed to make a run -- as will Halliburton. It reports earnings later this month, as well, and given there have been a few oil surpluses and $HAL has paid decent dividends over this span as well, so, the earnings report could give $HAL a similar boost to what Fed Ex incurred (9+% growth in a day) when it released.
It stands to reason that $HAL regains its form it opened 2020 with, 25 per share, but the acceleration back to 16 could happen relatively quickly, especially as Halliburton trends up heavily pre-market following the 4th of July weekend that just passed. Keep an eye on $HAL making rapid gains throughout July, though its full recovery may still linger in the Christmas to 1st quarter 2021, type of window. This guess has oscillated, but so has oil.
The original projection still appears logical, with a 200+% ROI on $HAL still within play even for those entering the position now.
Happy trading!
Halliburton Spike, Subsequent Re-test; Failure: Re-position nowHalliburton showed strong signs of a breakout when it spiked over 16/share. It turned out be a "pump fake" by $HAL and the entire $USOIL industry. Terrible news regarding a "Second" (See: actual first!) spike of the COVID-19 pandemic has stalled further reopnings in many states, and the US overall reported a record number of cases yesterday and in through today. $USOIL is trending down over 2% and could reach as low as 35 per barrel by the close of this week. This, along with Halliburton's steady decline, are leaving the window open for a very strong short.
A short, here, would be in mind with re-positioning and increasing one's holding, as the firm belief is that when the oil industry does reach its full recovery, that Halliburton will be among the first and biggest benefactors. For the interim, however, its value is dicey and many market indicators are showing "SELL" as the popular move here.
$HAL was over 25/share in this calendar year, but has gone as low as just over 5/share, and if COVID truly rears its ugly head a return to that low of a share level is not out of the question. Reasonably, a decent estimate certainly could see it fall below 10/share next week.
That Mar 18-20 nadir may not be re-tested, but it is hardly something that can be ruled out. If further quarantining becomes the route for areas the outbreak rages on in, then the woods that oil appeared to be exiting from are just far more expansive than we may have thought. While many are of the mindset that this pandemic is mostly defeated, the reality in the $USOIL market counteracts that notion as fully untrue. The recovery of $HAL and other oil-related stocks appears, now, to be the longer-term project it was when the $HAL plan was initialized.
Halliburton ($HAL) Trough Reached: A Recovery Along with $USOIL Halliburton ($HAL) suffered, nearly bleeding out to the under 12/s mark-- weakest close was @ 12.25 per share. It is now over 13, and it will re-test the 16-point of resistance around the end of this month (June). Expect by July 4th the typical spike in gas prices, with $HAL gearing up to provide the first-steps of that recovery boon. 16 per share is entirely within reason, and it does not make a horrible sell point (Though we have established a high-upside of 22-plus).
Patience is now being rewarded with $HAL, while many did short and re-position their holdings. Due to the LT nature of this holding (7 to 12 months) these fluctuations in the market can be capitalized on, but the recent nadir of $USOIL is temporary and $HAL is climbing out of its (very shallow) hole that saw it attempt to touch the 12/point as a trough.
Happy trading/investing!
Signs of Stability, Correction from $USOIL Settles $HAL FreefallAs $USOIL has begun to make small gains throughout the first-half of Friday's trading session, $HAL appears to be stopping the bleeding and free-for-all towards 12 per share. It opened today at 12.25 but has since increased about .47/share and appears to have found its trough before hitting an even 12.00.
There is no assurance with the volatility of the oil market, but yesterday's massive $1.99 per share drop was clearly something of an overreaction to the fed chair scare, and $HAL appears to be reclaiming its ascent to a healthy 22 per share eventually--as to the time frame on that "Eventually," at this point we are tendering very few guesses. Originally projected to be December, it could take until mid 2021 to see $USOIL show its usual strength as the multitrillion-dollar cog it is in the world economy. COVID obviously distracted the world, but as progress resumes these stocks will show the massive ROIs they offered to those able to enter at Mid-march lows. As a reinforcement, this swing trade was entered at the 5.11 per share mark on MAR 20 w/ a very long-term plan and patience has been crucial through the dips we just saw.
Happy trading! Happy Investing!
Terrible Week for $USOIL, Halliburton ($HAL) Re-signals PlanAfter a quick spike over 16/s, Halliburton has sunk all week and may dip even below 14/s if this current trend continues to accelerate. Many chose to dump after the rapid ascent to 16, and that sell-point makes plenty of sense as a short term play (especially now!). However, the original hope for a 22/s sell-point was projected not until the Christmas to early 2021 range. That now, again, looks far more accurate with $HAL really stalling out and dropping this week.
This mostly is to say the original sell window was re-confirmed, despite some bulls indicating both in posts and the comment sections (here, of mine) that a 4th Q open would see $USOIL between 60 and 70 per barrel. That seems at least somewhat unlikely at this point, though the operation of many states has advanced past "Phase 1" COVID re-openings so the time-scale still...largely depends on HUMAN BEHAVIOR.
Many opportunities to re-position on $HAL and other oil stocks will be in play over the span that oil continues to struggle.
Happy Trading!
$HAL Bouncing Back After New Trough$USOIL Began the day plummeting, but $HAL has rebounded and is now showing signs of establishing a bull-gain following a trough in the 15.1 to 15.3 region. Nothing is new here. This remains a LT swing-trade @ the sell mark of 22-23. A decent sell window has opened with oil itself treading down, but there is little meaning to this due to the overall market -- The game plan is the same.
Obnoxious Overt $USOIL Market Making $HAL Arrive At 1/2-PT The $USOIL commodity continues to correct the wild ride of 2020. It even did what many thought nearly was so improbable we wouldn't see it: Traded Negative. Well, that was then, this is now: Many oil stocks are now entering rapid phases of correction and offering almost insane probable ROIs. $HAL has been the biggest of these, as it fell so low as to be 5/share and ignored by a large number of investors: But it cannot stay asleep, it will not - there was no resistance offered by the 13/sh mark, and now it is 13.25 as of this update looking to just ride by 14/share without looking back. This has been one of the most overt corrections to benefit from due to the effects driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and it has shown such strong confirmation signals that investors are beginning to take notice- which only drives it higher. Happy INVESTING!!!
Halliburton Shattering 12 Mark; Next Test Point is...?Halliburton struggled already with a 12/sh resistance mark the past two weeks, but with the bullish day in the market, it has now managed to climb as surpass that resistance. Projecting the next semblance and hint of a plateau is tougher, but $USOIL continues to do its thing too -- greasing the way for the oil industry's stocks recovery. The ascent to a test mark hinges on the response of the public to travel wants/needs, along with maintaining the lowering of the curve and preventing its second spike-- that could set back all sectors of travel-related industries, with oil taking the hit first. Due to these uncertain aspects, it is tough to guess beyond simple chart harmonics of $HAL
A solid total guess ranges the next major resistance mark over 13, though, not within the next day to two. This should be a strong LONG for at least a while, until it gets close to 14/sh and EVENTUALLY (!) pushes to the sell-point we discussed @ 22.
Happy trading! AND BOOM! - All is according to the $HAL model plan first launched Mar 20 w/ the initial holdings picked up @ 5.11/share. IF ONLY I FULLY TRUSTED MY MODEL ALREADY by that point! - but enough of my bad beat stories - share yours if you want, whatever. LEGGO $HAL
Halliburton's Next Test Mark to Resume Halliburton has trended up despite inconsistent oil prices, and it is just under 12/share.
We expect this to be a tough test point for $HAL - it is worth charting very closely; there could (IF IT DIPS) be the new trough establishment even, but with $USOIL volatile still - most oil stocks are much the same. This 12/sh mark will be a big test for $HAL and it should occur (For a second time really, as it is) this week.
These are all fairly obvious facts RE: $HAL - the point is mostly to highlight a pivot-point in projections here. Nothing necessarily revelatory, but more like a page maker -- So Thank you for reading, guys and gals.
Halliburton Battling Down-Trending Crude, Resisting Trough ThoWith Oil plummeting through the first-half of Friday's market session, $HAL has dropped nearly 0.5%, but this will help to establish its new bottom trough. The last was in the 9.5-9.7 range, and this one may not be any lower than 11.2-11.4. The gains, over time, are occurring: It is easy to panic with the oil economy still struggling to regain its foothold, but overreactions to a trough establishment would be just that. A short is in play, but the gain might be small enough that focusing on it isn't the actual best use of one's trading day? Happy trading even so!
Crude Turns Green: All Systems go for $HAL HalliburtonYesterday, despite the waves of intuition otherwise, $HAL made a steady gain as crude prices themselves plummeted. With Oil reversing and up over 1% already (by 11 AM EST), Halliburton should be turning on its afterburners (no pun intended) soon. Expect steady gains from $HAL throughout the upcoming days, but moreover until it reaches a healthy and full sell-point @ 22 -- The time frame on this mark is sketchy at best, but with oil climbing expect Halliburton to gain more rapidly still.
Long/7-12 months? Tough to say again, on the time range.
However, the oil industry is gaining steam and major manufacturer $HAL is primed to be among the first of the giants within its industry to breathe comfortably again, and recover. LONG $HAL, still, and look at the previous post Re: the probable 200% ROI still @ the 12/share mark.