US stocks with the biggest gap in pre-market

Gap is a sharp change in a stock price between sessions when no actual trading occurs. US stocks below have gained the most in pre-market gap. Check their stats and see if you can gain from this sudden change.
Pre-market Gap %
Pre-market Close
Pre-market Chg
Pre-market Chg %
Pre-market Vol
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
SURGSurgePays, Inc.
+78.99%2.40 USD1.02 USD+73.91%17.9 M2.35 USD+70.29%69.72 M47.38 M USD−67.90%
AQBAquaBounty Technologies, Inc.
+64.03%0.78 USD0.11 USD+16.00%3.07 M1.02 USD+50.73%44.36 M3.94 M USD−70.61%
GGITSGlobal Interactive Technologies, Inc.
+32.98%1.65 USD0.15 USD+9.71%44.34 K1.47 USD−2.26%177.43 K3.88 M USD
CISOCISO Global, Inc.
+28.89%0.4623 USD0.0123 USD+2.73%3.23 M0.4454 USD−1.02%8.76 M6.45 M USD−38.21%
SFHGSamfine Creation Holdings Group Limited
+26.42%0.8899 USD0.0198 USD+2.28%454.35 K0.7200 USD−17.25%1.4 M13.18 M USD
BGIBirks Group Inc.
+21.32%1.21 USD0.01 USD+1.25%8001.19 USD−0.44%19.64 K22.98 M USD−52.52%
TXMDTherapeuticsMD, Inc.
+19.49%0.93 USD0.02 USD+2.23%8601.01 USD+10.72%177.78 K11.65 M USD−61.95%
RRETOReTo Eco-Solutions, Inc.
+18.23%4.23 USD0.61 USD+16.85%5033.41 USD−5.80%77.17 K10.01 M USD+179.99%
IFRXInflaRx N.V.
+18.05%1.35 USD0.02 USD+1.50%2.54 K1.24 USD−6.77%410.57 K83.25 M USD−13.65%
OCXOncocyte Corporation
+16.78%2.95 USD−0.09 USD−2.96%2.5 K3.18 USD+4.61%51.65 K90.95 M USD+190.68%
+16.55%0.1710 USD−0.0006 USD−0.35%49.31 K0.1708 USD−0.47%435.81 K2.67 M USD−81.36%
CNEYCN Energy Group Inc.
+16.18%0.1402 USD−0.0001 USD−0.07%138.9 K0.1534 USD+9.34%729 K1.06 M USD−58.28%
PTPIPetros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+15.92%0.1375 USD0.0797 USD+137.89%289.02 M0.1350 USD+133.56%1.59 B1.73 M USD−30.76%
UPCUniverse Pharmaceuticals Inc
+15.56%4.65 USD0.15 USD+3.33%2.26 K4.85 USD+7.78%92.08 K1.05 M USD−87.07%
BBONBon Natural Life Limited
+15.44%0.1564 USD−0.0016 USD−1.01%25.97 M0.1600 USD+1.27%74.29 M452.6 K USD−41.57%
SNVSynovus Financial Corp.
+15.16%48.87 USD0.24 USD+0.49%20048.35 USD−0.58%1.05 M6.82 B USD+19.22%
AANNAAleAnna, Inc.
+14.69%8.30 USD0.61 USD+7.93%3007.61 USD−1.04%17.22 K308.66 M USD+244.93%
ALTGAlta Equipment Group Inc.
+14.35%5.28 USD0.47 USD+9.77%4914.89 USD+1.66%301.18 K160.68 M USD−55.36%
DDMNDamon Inc.
+14.29%0.0345 USD0.0023 USD+7.14%32.88 M0.0389 USD+20.81%210.75 M1.22 M USD
WLGSWang & Lee Group, Inc.
+13.62%0.4600 USD0.0297 USD+6.90%921.91 K0.3202 USD−25.59%14.62 M6.78 M USD
CNTXContext Therapeutics Inc.
+13.36%0.8333 USD−0.0317 USD−3.66%5.82 K0.7909 USD−8.57%84.66 K70.95 M USD+234.62%
MITQMoving iMage Technologies, Inc.
+13.33%0.5897 USD0.0397 USD+7.22%9.66 K0.5505 USD+0.09%34.9 K5.45 M USD−13.51%
PLRZPolyrizon Ltd.
+12.96%0.5500 USD0.0100 USD+1.85%213.68 K0.4700 USD−12.96%1.23 M2.07 M USD
MXCTMaxCyte, Inc.
+12.90%3.10 USD0.00 USD0.00%1.2 K2.78 USD−10.32%475.24 K294.76 M USD−26.01%
PPRMPerimeter Solutions, SA
+12.29%10.40 USD1.29 USD+14.16%20.23 K10.02 USD+9.99%2.37 M1.5 B USD+49.92%
BBNZIBanzai International, Inc.
+11.65%1.14 USD0.11 USD+10.68%180 K1.30 USD+26.21%9.25 M12.08 M USD−87.09%
PMNTPerfect Moment Ltd.
+11.48%1.28 USD0.06 USD+4.92%2.7 K1.10 USD−9.81%55.59 K18.23 M USD
WTOUTime Limited
+11.11%0.1850 USD−0.0220 USD−10.63%286.06 K0.1620 USD−21.74%2.26 M5.84 M USD+96.63%
DGLYDigital Ally, Inc.
+11.11%0.0373 USD0.0013 USD+3.61%40.83 M0.0475 USD+31.94%190.98 M3.76 M USD−25.25%
JYDJayud Global Logistics Limited
+11.11%5.84 USD0.44 USD+8.15%16.1 K6.18 USD+14.44%13.47 M596.51 M USD
AGMHAGM Group Holdings Inc.
+10.61%0.0686 USD0.0017 USD+2.54%3.52 M0.0750 USD+12.11%50.49 M1.98 M USD−96.19%
+10.20%1.0991 USD0.1191 USD+12.15%5000.9500 USD−3.06%25.09 K6.71 M USD−52.04%
SERASera Prognostics, Inc.
+10.12%4.11 USD0.06 USD+1.48%1.17 K3.93 USD−2.96%97.2 K148.02 M USD−48.70%
GVVisionary Holdings Inc.
+10.06%3.55 USD0.37 USD+11.64%2.63 M3.42 USD+7.55%5.81 M14.81 M USD
HTCOHigh-Trend International Group
+10.00%1.06 USD0.06 USD+6.00%4.06 K1.04 USD+4.00%263.2 K125.78 M USD+510.66%
CLYMClimb Bio, Inc.
+10.00%1.36 USD0.06 USD+4.62%4.09 K1.30 USD0.00%229.04 K87.49 M USD+18.10%
GMEGameStop Corporation
+9.76%28.85 USD3.45 USD+13.58%3.76 M28.36 USD+11.65%53.31 M12.67 B USD+157.23%
THARTharimmune, Inc.
+9.59%1.53 USD0.07 USD+4.79%4971.44 USD−1.37%17.52 K2.78 M USD
XBIOXenetic Biosciences, Inc.
+9.47%3.60 USD0.22 USD+6.51%5003.27 USD−3.25%3.71 K5.04 M USD−16.02%
PHGEBiomX Inc.
+9.42%0.6400 USD0.0552 USD+9.44%2.95 K0.5202 USD−11.05%198.26 K13 M USD−10.72%
SUGPSU Group Holdings Limited
+9.40%0.9518 USD0.0818 USD+9.40%1560.9080 USD+4.37%73.89 K12.57 M USD−73.70%
TTSHTile Shop Holdings, Inc.
+9.26%6.52 USD−0.07 USD−1.06%3006.51 USD−1.21%48.3 K290.72 M USD−6.91%
+9.22%1.70 USD0.29 USD+20.57%8.08 K1.34 USD−4.96%85.56 K13.63 M USD+523.87%
TTBHBrag House Holdings, Inc.
+8.89%5.52 USD0.01 USD+0.18%1.56 M6.07 USD+10.16%2.7 M65.09 M USD
HSDTHelius Medical Technologies, Inc.
+8.84%0.4480 USD0.0364 USD+8.84%1980.4001 USD−2.79%57.83 K2.45 M USD−50.86%
SHOTSafety Shot, Inc.
+8.67%0.4580 USD−0.0021 USD−0.46%3.75 K0.4465 USD−2.96%470.02 K33.24 M USD−66.07%
SLESuper League Enterprise, Inc.
+8.64%0.4095 USD0.0378 USD+10.17%5.35 K0.3884 USD+4.49%315.35 K6.45 M USD−43.81%
AREBAmerican Rebel Holdings, Inc.
+8.45%0.1028 USD−0.0072 USD−6.55%208.91 K0.1360 USD+23.64%32.72 M367.79 K USD−71.01%
ESPREsperion Therapeutics, Inc.
+8.33%1.67 USD−0.01 USD−0.58%10.14 K1.63 USD−2.98%3.62 M322.49 M USD−18.47%
BAERBridger Aerospace Group Holdings, Inc.
+8.33%1.25 USD0.05 USD+4.17%3.88 K1.22 USD+1.67%245.23 K66.15 M USD−63.95%
FFMTOFemto Technologies Inc.
+8.02%1.30 USD−0.07 USD−5.12%6.46 K1.46 USD+6.56%37.33 K956.84 K USD+6.13%
LLIPOLipella Pharmaceuticals Inc.
+8.00%2.70 USD0.20 USD+8.00%3.87 K2.60 USD+4.00%52.2 K6.63 M USD
XXII22nd Century Group, Inc
+7.83%1.73 USD0.07 USD+4.22%2.5 K1.61 USD−3.01%43.63 K3.81 M USD−46.50%
RECTRectitude Holdings Ltd
+7.77%4.00 USD0.01 USD+0.25%18.94 K3.98 USD−0.25%36.25 K57.71 M USD
MMBIOMustang Bio, Inc.
+7.75%1.52 USD0.10 USD+7.04%1.3 K1.41 USD−0.70%37.27 K3.89 M USD−93.33%
+7.71%0.6699 USD0.0200 USD+3.08%1.4 K0.6500 USD+0.02%517.47 K15.75 M USD
TRNRInteractive Strength Inc.
+7.44%1.22 USD0.01 USD+0.83%52.2 K1.29 USD+6.61%4.23 M1.94 M USD
CXDOCrexendo, Inc.
+7.41%6.09 USD0.42 USD+7.41%1805.43 USD−4.23%96.34 K151.5 M USD+23.34%
AEHLAntelope Enterprise Holdings Limited
+7.39%0.1016 USD0.0015 USD+1.50%13.21 K0.1047 USD+4.60%2.51 M3.49 M USD−53.34%
SNOASonoma Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+7.38%3.19 USD−0.06 USD−1.85%3.8 K3.14 USD−3.38%55.67 K5.07 M USD+159.57%
KKLTOKlotho Neurosciences, Inc.
+7.27%0.2790 USD0.0189 USD+7.27%1500.2553 USD−1.85%95.32 K6.91 M USD
AUIDauthID Inc.
+7.25%6.50 USD−0.12 USD−1.81%3006.01 USD−9.21%193.1 K65.63 M USD−32.28%
LLSELeishen Energy Holding Co., Ltd.
+7.10%5.87 USD0.24 USD+4.26%1.43 K5.51 USD−2.13%69.23 K93.81 M USD
LESLLeslie's, Inc.
+7.05%1.0000 USD0.0752 USD+8.13%517.29 K0.8733 USD−5.57%5.51 M161.76 M USD−87.73%
ABVEAbove Food Ingredients Inc.
+6.98%0.6741 USD0.0440 USD+6.98%1.42 K0.6800 USD+7.92%246.61 K19.4 M USD−86.32%
ALGSAligos Therapeutics, Inc.
+6.98%11.05 USD0.30 USD+2.79%1.42 K9.66 USD−10.14%198.92 K59.06 M USD−49.70%
CLNNClene Inc.
+6.94%3.67 USD0.21 USD+6.07%3003.54 USD+2.31%98.03 K30.4 M USD−30.15%
BODIThe Beachbody Company, Inc.
+6.92%8.50 USD0.55 USD+6.92%1007.54 USD−5.16%7.7 K52.2 M USD−17.23%
LUCYInnovative Eyewear, Inc.
+6.91%3.25 USD0.21 USD+6.91%1622.83 USD−6.91%20.3 K6.94 M USD+107.60%
BBHATBlue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
+6.86%2.04 USD0.00 USD0.00%9.57 K1.83 USD−10.29%322.45 K9.04 M USD+38.86%
INGNInogen, Inc
+6.76%7.26 USD0.01 USD+0.14%4007.17 USD−1.10%184.07 K190.22 M USD+23.47%
MTNBMatinas Biopharma Holdings, Inc.
+6.76%0.5994 USD0.0390 USD+6.96%1.38 K0.5708 USD+1.86%11.02 K2.9 M USD−95.37%
XFORX4 Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+6.71%0.2660 USD0.0066 USD+2.54%37.4 K0.2694 USD+3.86%2.05 M46.78 M USD−69.51%
HKITHitek Global Inc.
+6.52%1.47 USD0.09 USD+6.52%1581.34 USD−2.94%33.09 K28.27 M USD+21.90%
GDCGD Culture Group Limited
+6.48%2.95 USD0.18 USD+6.48%1002.51 USD−9.39%78.16 K30.83 M USD+178.73%
IICCTiCoreConnect Inc.
+6.47%0.3920 USD0.0069 USD+1.79%4.1 M0.4001 USD+3.90%6.85 M829.42 K USD−92.08%
+6.46%0.8020 USD0.0425 USD+5.60%1.87 K0.8150 USD+7.31%119.78 K13.68 M USD−53.36%
GPROGoPro, Inc.
+6.40%0.7821 USD0.0208 USD+2.73%17.13 K0.7318 USD−3.87%5.14 M117.14 M USD−64.16%
PETWag! Group Co.
+6.38%0.1989 USD0.0109 USD+5.80%2.19 K0.1902 USD+1.17%213.32 K9.65 M USD−84.52%
AAGFYAgrify Corporation
+6.36%20.11 USD1.20 USD+6.36%10019.67 USD+4.03%8.48 K38.4 M USD+920.59%
NVVENuvve Holding Corp.
+6.25%1.56 USD−0.04 USD−2.50%1.45 K1.63 USD+1.87%122.36 K2.11 M USD−48.87%
BBKVBKV Corporation
+6.24%21.19 USD0.20 USD+0.95%40020.85 USD−0.67%573.34 K1.76 B USD
EBMTEagle Bancorp Montana, Inc.
+6.19%18.00 USD1.05 USD+6.19%10016.87 USD−0.47%17.21 K134.57 M USD+31.41%
BZHBeazer Homes USA, Inc.
+6.19%23.00 USD1.34 USD+6.19%30021.48 USD−0.83%257.42 K670.24 M USD−30.63%
ADCTADC Therapeutics SA
+6.17%1.72 USD0.10 USD+6.17%1 K1.58 USD−2.47%437.53 K152.77 M USD−54.92%
ILLRTriller Group Inc.
+6.15%0.6750 USD0.0250 USD+3.85%13.2 K0.5874 USD−9.63%657.04 K95.65 M USD+451.23%
NNEHCNew Era Helium Inc
+6.06%1.72 USD0.07 USD+4.24%7.3 K1.44 USD−12.73%158.42 K20.11 M USD−46.87%
VSEEVSee Health, Inc.
+6.03%1.23 USD0.07 USD+6.03%1.06 K1.30 USD+12.07%229.69 K20.36 M USD−53.91%
ORICOric Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+5.93%7.15 USD0.40 USD+5.93%1805.85 USD−13.33%1.02 M415.51 M USD−45.16%
CHGGChegg, Inc.
+5.92%0.6400 USD0.0197 USD+3.18%19.83 K0.6490 USD+4.63%2.48 M68.22 M USD−90.51%
JYNTThe Joint Corp.
+5.88%12.85 USD0.10 USD+0.78%30012.73 USD−0.16%86.99 K193.18 M USD−1.45%
DTCSolo Brands, Inc.
+5.85%0.2000 USD0.0153 USD+8.28%8.48 K0.1802 USD−2.44%1.27 M16.63 M USD−89.58%
RPTXRepare Therapeutics Inc.
+5.83%1.10 USD0.07 USD+6.80%3331.01 USD−1.94%409.27 K42.94 M USD−78.39%
XXHLDTEN Holdings, Inc.
+5.81%1.72 USD0.00 USD0.00%2.45 M1.82 USD+5.81%9.17 M49.79 M USD
RNAZTransCode Therapeutics, Inc.
+5.78%0.6650 USD−0.0282 USD−4.07%570.99 K0.5900 USD−14.89%4.37 M410.79 K USD−86.98%
DDUOFangdd Network Group Ltd.
+5.77%0.3216 USD0.0011 USD+0.34%39.51 K0.3061 USD−4.49%1.15 M10.35 B USD
CTMXCytomX Therapeutics, Inc.
+5.64%0.6175 USD0.0024 USD+0.39%5.39 K0.5941 USD−3.41%1.02 M47.59 M USD−65.11%
GAMEGameSquare Holdings, Inc.
+5.63%0.7663 USD0.0563 USD+7.93%2.71 K0.6893 USD−2.92%103.04 K25.98 M USD+70.70%
OOSRHOSR Holdings, Inc.
+5.62%4.15 USD2.55 USD+159.38%28.49 M3.79 USD+136.88%96.14 M30.84 M USD
VCIGVCI Global Limited
+5.61%0.5950 USD0.0155 USD+2.67%57.91 K0.5600 USD−3.36%2.23 M26.4 M USD−21.17%