Coinbase in trouble over "SECURITY RISK"Coinbase will lose some major support in 4Q 2022.
Coinbase threatens lawsuits over price glitches.
Coinbase freezes accounts and has bank accounts frozen to get the money back from traders
that they rightfully earned through the buy and sell agreement when a transaction completes.
Coinbase responsibility is to maintain accurate information and connectivity for its users.
Is you money really safe when they don't respond to users concerns over there glitches.
Coinbase is playing a dangerous game with their users.
If coinbase can get there money back using aggressive means that violates a users personnal finacial security
then the users trading should be able to get
their money back when the coinbase exchange and app does not work properly and losses are incurred.
Allowing coinbase to continue these aggresive violations of its users will many to leave the platform.
I think major litigation will be going on very soon and coinbase will lose confidence from many of its traders.
I know for a fact that in the past i had connectivity issues that prevented me from selling that would of generated
atleast 100k in gains extra over the past two years.
Several trades were reversed stated an issue that was never properly explained and they close the case Immediately.
Coinbase basically states that it won't accept liability over any issue that you have during trading.
Coinbase basically says any issue that causes them to lose money from your trades and they will seize it back from you.
Now does this violates your own person financial security?
They accept no liability when its your money.
If you earn it through a buy and sell order then it is a legal transaction.
the liability is the exchange not the users trading.