Holding GE until it runs to 100 and maybe splits a couple of times. Waiting to see when GE will mention that they will be the world electric motor supplier for the electric car market, for companies such as TSLA and others that join the game for 2030. They already have experience in this field building electric locomotives, yep, they have awesome new looking...
Bonds vs Equities. You decide.
$F Well this is interesting... Ford is down over 40% Who wants a discount? - #subprime Process Innovation vs Product Innovation. Ford needs an Electric Truck to pick up Sales & possible product refresh or redesign. That "Future Vehicles" page needs updating. Certified Pre - What?
Stimulation on top of Stimulation Blueprint Ford Mobility; Materials, Utility, Technology, Finance, Telecom, Software, Energy, Healthcare, Consumer, Industrial goods and more. Ford exploring all options for Mobility as a Service. Will Amazon partner with Ford to service small and large businesses mobility needs? Autonomous delivery; A service for everyone, $F...
SolarCity will make more than 80% of their income from their new Utility and Grid Services if they continue to grow and update this category. They will get paid more and more by helping their customers manage their energy needs, while selling less and less solar hardware. Distributed Energy Solution for the 21st century grid & beyond, where customers take...
Will AAPL be able to feed you if the economy tanks by 30-50%?
Suggested by the friends at TradingView. Use S1TH for better trading.
See the Bull vs Bear Cycles via Household Debt Service Payments as a % of Disposable Personal Income.
Suggested by the friends at Tradingview. I like this chart
It may not be the flavor of the month or year, but why not put some cash to work in this co.? It's worth a look. Dollar average down to $3.50, & stay Long.
Playing the population growth theme with books & education, and will Amazon or Google ever buy out Barnes & Noble? Hanging out here while collecting the dividend.
Suggested by the friends at tradingview, MMFI is awesome.
Why I added to SCTY. youtu.be I missed the last run when i marked this a year ago on my watch list and didn't want to miss out again going forward. I wish solar could offset AC cost during the day. It's too hot in FL
May be a good long term hold, but does not seem interesting yet. Will wait for it to reach around the $40 price range then look at it again for the dividend. I do like a lot of their products, especially the fibers, polymers and other materials. I do not like falling knives tho. This is the reason for my hold at this time. The chart's short term performance, a...
Used one of the dividends and bought this 3d Printing co. here. I plan on playing with the house's money once it reaches past $1.00 if it does not go BK first . I may want to hold it for a few years to see what other products this company can create and or for a buyout by someone else. - Broke my rule of touching a penny stock, I will not add any more shares if it...