Stochastic Price Predictor (Short TF)This is a price prediction indicator that:
Uses a Monte Carlo simulation approach with Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) to forecast potential price movements
Calculates the probability of prices reaching target levels within a short forecast horizon
Generates buy/sell signals based on these probabilities and additional filters
Key components:
Stochastic RSI Filter: Uses a faster version of Stochastic RSI to identify overbought/oversold conditions
Volatility Modeling: Implements a GARCH-like approach to account for volatility clustering
Monte Carlo Simulation: Simulates 50 potential price paths to estimate probabilities
Signal Generation: Creates buy/sell signals when probability exceeds confidence threshold and other conditions are met
Chart patterns
RSI & MACD Weekly CryptoTaurus Signal Indicator📌 Kurzbeschreibung:
Der RSI & MACD Weekly CryptoTaurus Signal Indicator ist ein leistungsstarker Indikator zur Erkennung von bullischen und bärischen Marktbewegungen auf Basis von RSI (Relative Strength Index) und MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) im Wochenchart.
📊 Funktionen & Vorteile:
✅ Kombiniert RSI & MACD für präzise Ein- und Ausstiegssignale
✅ Erkennt starke & schwache Kauf- und Verkaufssignale
✅ Markiert RSI-Überverkauft (35) & Überkauft (80) als zusätzliche Bestätigung
✅ Geeignet für Swing-Trading & langfristige Investitionen
✅ Funktioniert auf allen Kryptowährungen und traditionellen Märkten
🔹 Signal-Logik:
🟢 Starkes Kaufsignal: RSI < 35 und MACD bullish Crossover
🔴 Starkes Verkaufssignal: RSI > 69 und MACD bearish Crossover
🟢 Schwaches Kaufsignal: MACD bullish Crossover, aber RSI nicht unter 35
🔴 Schwaches Verkaufssignal: MACD bearish Crossover, aber RSI nicht über 69
🟣 Zusätzliche RSI-Signale:
RSI Buy (lila Pfeil unten): RSI < 35 (mögliches Tief)
RSI Sell (lila Pfeil oben): RSI > 80 (mögliches Hoch)
📈 Anwendungsbereiche:
🔹 Langfristige Investoren: Perfekt für den Wochenchart, um überkaufte oder überverkaufte Märkte zu identifizieren.
🔹 Swing-Trader: Nutze das Zusammenspiel von RSI und MACD, um trendbasierte Trades zu platzieren.
🔹 Altcoin-Trader: Funktioniert hervorragend mit Volatilität starker Coins wie SOL, SUI, XRP, HBAR, ADA und LINK.
📢 Hinweis:
Dieser Indikator ist kein Finanzratgeber, sondern ein Tool zur technischen Analyse. Nutzer sollten zusätzliche Marktanalysen durchführen, bevor sie eine Handelsentscheidung treffen.
🚀 Probiere den RSI & MACD Weekly CryptoTaurus Signal Indicator jetzt aus & optimiere deine Trading-Strategie!
SMC with Fixed Fibonacci (Last Two Structure Changes) - ModifiedDetailed Indicator Description (English):
This indicator combines SMC market structure analysis with dynamic Fibonacci retracement levels to help traders track market directional changes and identify key support and resistance zones. Below is a detailed explanation of its components and functions:
Timeframe & Market Structure Analysis:
Timeframe Selection:
The indicator uses data from a user-defined timeframe for its analysis. If left blank, it defaults to the chart’s timeframe.
Pivot Calculation:
It calculates swing highs and swing lows using a pivot length (default is 4), which are then used to determine the market structure.
Market Structure Determination:
Based on these swing points, the indicator identifies the market trend as bullish or bearish and plots a market structure line (green for bullish, red for bearish).
Dynamic Fibonacci Retracement Levels:
Dynamic Drawing:
When a market structure change occurs, the indicator sets a starting pivot (prePivot) — the lowest low before a bullish change or the highest high before a bearish change.
PostPivot Updating:
The indicator then dynamically updates the postPivot level with each new bar (using the highest high for bullish moves and the lowest low for bearish moves).
Calculation Method:
For bullish moves, the Fibonacci retracement is calculated in reverse:
Bullish: Level 1 is at the starting low (prePivot) and level 0 is at the current high (postPivot).
For bearish moves, the levels are calculated in the conventional way (level 1 at the prePivot and level 0 at the current low).
Fibonacci Levels:
The retracement levels drawn include 1, 0.79, 0.705, 0.62, 0.5, and 0, with each level clearly labeled on the chart.
Previous Fibonacci Drawing (Historical Reference):
Retention of Past Levels:
Upon a new market structure change, the current Fibonacci drawing is moved to a “previous” group, remaining fixed on the chart as a historical reference.
User Control:
A toggle option ("Show Previous Fibonacci Drawing") allows users to enable or disable the display of the previous Fibonacci retracement levels.
Automated Alerts:
Alert Level Input:
Users can set an alert on a specific Fibonacci level via an input (default is 0.62).
Alert Tolerance:
The alert tolerance is adjustable and is set to 0.0 by default, meaning the alert triggers exactly when the price reaches the selected Fibonacci level.
Alert Trigger:
The indicator automatically issues an alert when the current price is within the defined tolerance of the chosen Fibonacci level.
Practical Benefits:
Market Structure Insight:
The indicator aids in understanding key turning points and directional changes in the market.
Support/Resistance Identification:
Dynamic and previous Fibonacci retracement levels help pinpoint potential support and resistance areas.
Historical Context:
Retaining the previous Fibonacci drawing allows traders to compare current price action with recent historical structure changes.
Timely Alerts:
Automated alerts ensure that traders are promptly notified when price approaches critical Fibonacci levels, facilitating timely decision-making.
you can Add the indicator many times to your charts with different time to find OTE inside OTE which help you get better results
صف المؤشر بالتفصيل:
هذا المؤشر يجمع بين تحليل هيكل السوق وفق منهجية SMC واستخدام مستويات فيبوناتشي لتصحيح الأسعار، مما يُتيح للمتداول تتبع التغيّرات في الاتجاه وتحديد مناطق الدعم والمقاومة المهمة. وفيما يلي توضيح دقيق لجميع مكوناته ووظائفه:
إطار زمني وتحليل السوق:
يعتمد المؤشر على بيانات من إطار زمني يُحدده المستخدم؛ وإذا تُرك فارغًا، فإنه يستخدم إطار الشارت الحالي.
يُحسب المؤشر نقاط التحول (Swing High وSwing Low) باستخدام قيمة pivot تلقائية مُعينة (تُضبط افتراضيًا على 4)، والتي تُستخدم لتحديد الهيكل السوقي.
بناءً على هذه النقاط، يتم تحديد اتجاه السوق (صعودي أو هبوطي) ورسم خط هيكل السوق الملون (أخضر للصعودي، أحمر للهبوطي).
رسم مستويات فيبوناتشي الديناميكية:
عند تغيير هيكل السوق، يقوم المؤشر بتحديد نقطة البداية (prePivot) التي تكون إما أقل قاع قبل التغير (في حالة الهيكل الصعودي) أو أعلى قمة قبل التغير (في حالة الهيكل الهبوطي).
بعد ذلك، يُحدث المؤشر نقطة النهاية (postPivot) بشكل ديناميكي مع كل شمعة بحيث يتم تحديد السعر الجديد (أعلى سعر في حالة الصعود، أو أدنى سعر في حالة الهبوط).
بالنسبة للحالة الصعودية، تُحسب مستويات فيبوناتشي بطريقة معكوسة بحيث يكون المستوى 1 عند نقطة البداية (القاع) والمستوى 0 عند السعر الجديد (القمة). بينما تُحسب مستويات الحالة الهبوطية بالطريقة التقليدية (المستوى 1 عند القمة و0 عند القاع).
تُرسم هذه المستويات على الشارت مع تسميات توضح قيمة كل مستوى (1، 0.79، 0.705، 0.62، 0.5، و0).
احتفاظ بالرسم السابق:
عند حدوث تغيير جديد في هيكل السوق، يُنقل رسم فيبوناتشي الحالي إلى مجموعة "الرسم السابق" ليبقى مرئيًا كمرجع للتغيّر الأخير.
يمكن للمستخدم التحكم في عرض هذا الرسم السابق عبر خيار "Show Previous Fibonacci Drawing"، حيث يمكن تفعيله أو تعطيله حسب الحاجة.
التنبيهات الآلية:
يوفر المؤشر ميزة إطلاق تنبيه عندما يصل السعر إلى مستوى فيبوناتشي محدد.
يُتيح للمستخدم اختيار مستوى فيبوناتشي للتنبيه (افتراضيًا 0.62) عبر إدخال يُمكن تعديله.
يتم حساب مستوى التنبيه وفقًا للاتجاه الحالي (مع استخدام الصيغة المعكوسة في الحالة الصعودية)، ويتم إطلاق التنبيه تلقائيًا عندما يكون الفرق بين السعر الحالي والمستوى المحسوب ضمن قيمة "Alert Tolerance" (والتي تُضبط افتراضيًا على 0.0).
الفوائد العملية للمؤشر:
تحليل هيكل السوق: يساعد المؤشر المتداول على فهم التغيرات الرئيسية في اتجاه السوق من خلال تحديد نقاط التحول الرئيسية.
تحديد مناطق التصحيح: تُظهر مستويات فيبوناتشي مناطق الدعم والمقاومة المحتملة، مما يُمكن المتداول من اتخاذ قرارات تداول أكثر دقة.
المرجعية التاريخية: الاحتفاظ برسم فيبوناتشي سابق يتيح للمتداول مقارنة التغيرات الحالية مع الفترات السابقة.
تنبيهات فورية: ميزة التنبيه تُبقي المتداول على علم عندما يصل السعر إلى مستوى فيبوناتشي مهم، مما يُساعد في اتخاذ إجراءات سريعة.
Confluence Signal Pro buy, sellConfluence Signal Pro generates dynamic buy and sell signals based on a moving average trend analysis. Users can choose between an Exponential Moving Average (EMA) or Simple Moving Average (SMA) with customizable length and line width. The script calculates the moving average from the closing price and determines the trend direction by comparing the current and previous values. It identifies trend reversals—signaling a buy when the moving average shifts from a downtrend to an uptrend and a sell when it shifts from an uptrend to a downtrend.
To reduce noise, the script includes a cool-down period between consecutive signals. This ensures that only significant trend shifts trigger a new buy or sell label on the chart. When a signal is generated, any existing labels are removed to maintain clarity, and a corresponding "BUY" or "SELL" label is placed at the appropriate bar (low for buy signals, high for sell signals) with distinct coloring for easy visualization.
[TehThomas] - ICT SMT DivergencesIntroduction
SMT Divergences is a cutting-edge trading tool designed for traders who utilize Smart Money Techniques (SMT), a core concept in the Inner Circle Trader (ICT) methodology. This indicator is specifically built to detect SMT divergences by comparing price action across multiple correlated assets. It helps traders identify institutional activity, liquidity grabs, and inefficiencies in the market, offering valuable insights for high-probability trade setups.
Smart Money Techniques revolve around the idea that institutional traders and large market participants leave behind footprints in the form of price divergences. By analyzing multiple asset pairs simultaneously, this indicator helps traders pinpoint areas where one market structure contradicts another, revealing potential trade opportunities before the majority of retail traders notice them.
What is SMT Divergence?
Smart Money Divergence (SMT) occurs when correlated assets or markets behave differently in key areas of interest. These divergences often indicate market inefficiencies caused by liquidity grabs or institutional order flow. There are two main types of SMT divergences:
1. Bearish SMT Divergence (Smart Money Distribution) 🔴
Occurs when:
One asset makes a higher high, while another correlated asset makes a lower high.
This signals underlying weakness in the price action of the first asset.
Institutions may be offloading positions, preparing for a downward move.
📉 Example: If GBP/USD makes a higher high, but EUR/USD makes a lower high, it indicates potential weakness in GBP/USD and a possible short opportunity.
2. Bullish SMT Divergence (Smart Money Accumulation) 🔵
Occurs when:
One asset makes a lower low, while another correlated asset makes a higher low.
This suggests strength and potential accumulation by institutional traders.
Smart Money may be positioning for a bullish reversal.
📈 Example: If NASDAQ (US100) makes a lower low, but S&P 500 (US500) makes a higher low, it could indicate bullish strength in the stock market, suggesting a possible long trade.
How This Indicator Works
The SMT Divergences automatically identifies and plots SMT divergences on your chart, allowing you to spot hidden market imbalances at a glance.
🔍 Key Features
✅ Compare Up to 4 Assets Simultaneously – Select up to four correlated pairs to compare against the main charted asset.
✅ Automatic Detection of SMT Divergences – The script finds divergences in swing highs and swing lows and visually marks them on the chart.
✅ Customizable Line Styles & Colors – Adjust the appearance of the divergence lines and labels to suit your trading style.
✅ Smart Labeling System – Displays which asset pairs are diverging, making it easy to analyze market conditions.
✅ Works Across Multiple Markets – Use for Forex, Indices, Crypto, and Commodities, giving traders flexibility in different asset classes.
✅ Designed for ICT Traders – Aligns perfectly with other ICT concepts such as Liquidity Zones, Order Blocks, and Fair Value Gaps (FVGs).
🛠 Indicator Settings & Customization
The indicator provides various settings to tailor it to your trading preferences:
Pivot Lookback Length: Adjusts how many bars the indicator looks back to determine swing highs/lows.
Symbol Selection: Choose up to four additional assets to compare against your main trading pair.
Divergence Line Colors: Customize the color of bearish (red) and bullish (blue) divergences for better visibility.
Line Styles: Choose between solid, dotted, or dashed lines to highlight divergences in your preferred way.
Label Customization: Modify text color and display preferences for a clean and informative chart layout.
How to Use This Indicator in Your Trading Strategy
This indicator is best used in combination with other ICT concepts to improve confluence and increase trade accuracy. Here’s how you can integrate it into your trading strategy:
🔹 Step 1: Identify SMT Divergences
Wait for bullish or bearish SMT divergences to appear on your chart.
Check if the divergence aligns with key liquidity zones, fair value gaps (FVGs), or order blocks.
🔹 Step 2: Confirm Institutional Activity
Look for liquidity sweeps (stop hunts) before a potential reversal.
If a bearish SMT divergence forms near a major resistance level, it may signal Smart Money selling.
If a bullish SMT divergence forms near a support zone, it could indicate accumulation.
🔹 Step 3: Enter a Trade with Confluence
Combine SMT divergences with market structure shifts to time entries.
Use additional ICT tools like Premium & Discount Arrays, Volume Profile, and Market Maker Models for confirmation.
Set stop-losses above liquidity zones and aim for high-risk reward ratios.
🔹 Step 4: Manage Risk & Take Profits
Always use proper risk management, keeping an eye on liquidity grabs and market sentiment.
Consider taking partial profits at key structural points and letting the rest of the trade run.
Why This Indicator is a Game-Changer for ICT Traders
Traditional retail traders often fail to spot Smart Money footprints, which is why many struggle with false breakouts and liquidity traps. The - ICT SMT Divergences indicator eliminates this problem by providing a clear, visual representation of SMT divergences, allowing traders to track institutional movements in real-time.
🔹 Save Time – No need to manually compare charts; the script does the work for you.
🔹 Improve Accuracy – Get high-probability trade setups by following institutional footprints.
🔹 Enhance Your Trading Edge – Use SMT divergences in combination with liquidity grabs, order blocks, and fair value gaps to refine your strategy.
🔹 Universal Market Compatibility – Works for Forex, Indices, Crypto, Commodities, and even Stocks, giving you flexibility in different markets.
Final Thoughts
The SMT Divergences is a must-have tool for traders who rely on Smart Money Techniques (SMT) and ICT methodologies. By identifying SMT divergences across multiple correlated markets, this indicator provides unparalleled insights into institutional trading behavior and enhances your ability to trade with Smart Money.
Whether you are a day trader, swing trader, or position trader, this indicator will help you make more informed decisions, avoid liquidity traps, and improve your overall profitability.
Thanks for your support!
If you found this idea helpful or learned something new, drop a like 👍 and leave a comment, I’d love to hear your thoughts! 🚀
Make sure to follow me for more price action insights, free indicators, and trading strategies. Let’s grow and trade smarter together! 📈
NSE Option Chain TOTNSE Option Chain TOT,NSE Option Chain TOT,NSE Option Chain TOT,NSE Option Chain TOT
Hunter System HSI sub chartUse different indicators to generate the trend, combine different indicator's advantage , blue color means up trend, red color means down trend, specially optimized for HONG KONG HSI INDEX .
Hunter System HSIHunter System HSI specifically design for HONGKONG HSI Index analyse. Indicator showing the trend worked out with several indicator's trend. There's entry and exit signals. Blue color mean up trend and red color means down trend.
Dragon Hunter sub chartconsidering several indicator's trend into a final trend , only if all the indicator trend is up then showing the up trend . And only if all the indicator trend is down then showing the down trend. Blue color is up trend, red color is down trend .
Inverted USDT DominanceInverted USDT Dominance Indicator
This simple yet powerful indicator plots the inverted USDT Dominance (USDT.D), making it visually intuitive to analyze market sentiment shifts. Typically, USDT dominance rises when investors seek stability, indicating a "risk-off" market environment. Conversely, it falls when investors pursue riskier assets like cryptocurrencies, signaling a "risk-on" environment.
Why invert the USDT Dominance chart?
By flipping USDT Dominance around the zero line, this indicator allows traders and investors to more clearly visualize its correlation and divergence with traditional market indicators like the 10-year Treasury yield (TNX), Bitcoin, or equity indices. A rising line on this inverted indicator intuitively indicates increasing market risk appetite, whereas a falling line highlights growing risk aversion.
Use cases:
Quickly visualize market sentiment (risk-on vs. risk-off).
Identify divergences and correlations between crypto markets and traditional financial instruments.
Enhance portfolio allocation decisions by clearly seeing sentiment changes.
Dragon Hunter GOLDFollow the trend, small stop loss setting , best performance in 3 minutes time frame, there're entry and exit signal. back-tested for 2024-2025 . Blue background color mean up trend, purple background color mean down trend.
Relative Strength IndexOverview
The "SPX Technical Summary with Persistent S/R" is an advanced indicator designed for S&P 500 (SPX) options traders, combining a suite of technical analysis tools with a unique feature: persistent support and resistance (S/R) levels based on historical price action. This indicator plots multiple S/R levels with strength indicators (reflecting the number of price interactions), alongside Moving Averages, RSI, Bollinger Bands, and MACD. A summary table provides a quick overview of market conditions and the closest S/R levels, making it ideal for identifying trading opportunities.
Persistent Support and Resistance:
Detects multiple pivot highs (resistance) and lows (support) over a customizable lookback period (default 200 bars).
Persists levels as horizontal dashed lines, with strength increasing each time the price interacts (e.g., rejection at resistance, bounce at support).
Strength-based styling: ≥3 touches = solid thick line, 2 touches = semi-transparent, 1 touch = faint.
Labels display price and strength (e.g., "R: 5,999.8 (S: 3)") for easy identification.
Moving Averages (MA):
Plots 50-day and 200-day Simple Moving Averages (SMAs) to determine trend direction.
Summary table labels trend as "Bullish" (Short MA > Long MA) or "Bearish."
Relative Strength Index (RSI):
14-period RSI highlights overbought (>70) and oversold (<30) conditions.
Table displays RSI value with color-coding: red (overbought), green (oversold), yellow (neutral).
Bollinger Bands (BB):
20-period SMA with 2.0 standard deviation bands to assess volatility and price position.
Table shows if SPX is "Above," "Below," or "Inside" the bands.
12/26/9 settings for momentum analysis via MACD line and signal line crossover.
Table shows "Bullish" (MACD > Signal) or "Bearish."
Volume Analysis:
Alerts for volume spikes (1.5x the 20-period average) to confirm key moves.
Summary Table:
Positioned top-right, updates on the last bar with trend, RSI, BB position, MACD, and the closest support/resistance levels.
Triggers for breakouts (above resistance with bullish MA), breakdowns (below support with bearish MA), RSI extremes, and volume spikes.
VFLOW by marcysrjVFLOW es un indicador de volumen avanzado diseñado para mostrar el flujo real del mercado de forma clara y precisa. A diferencia de otros indicadores, VFLOW facilita la identificación de zonas clave de soporte y resistencia, permitiendo tomar decisiones más informadas.
SPX Technical SummaryPublication Script Description for "SPX Technical Summary"
Title: SPX Technical Summary
Short Title: SPX_TechSum
Published: March 13, 2025
License: MIT (Open Source)
The "SPX Technical Summary" indicator is a comprehensive tool designed for traders analyzing the S&P 500 Index (SPX), particularly for options trading. It consolidates multiple technical analysis components—Moving Averages, RSI, Bollinger Bands, MACD, and Pivot-based Support/Resistance—into a single, easy-to-read overlay indicator. A dynamic summary table provides a quick snapshot of market conditions, making it ideal for identifying trends, reversals, and key price levels for SPX options strategies.
Moving Averages (MA):
Plots 50-day and 200-day Simple Moving Averages (SMAs) to determine trend direction.
Summary table labels the trend as "Bullish" (Short MA > Long MA) or "Bearish."
Relative Strength Index (RSI):
14-period RSI highlights overbought (>70) and oversold (<30) conditions.
Table displays RSI value with color-coding: red (overbought), green (oversold), yellow (neutral).
Bollinger Bands (BB):
20-period SMA with 2.0 standard deviation bands to assess volatility and price position.
Table indicates if SPX is "Above," "Below," or "Inside" the bands, aiding in spotting overextensions.
Uses 12/26/9 settings to show momentum via MACD line and signal line crossover.
Table shows "Bullish" (MACD > Signal) or "Bearish" momentum.
Support and Resistance:
Identifies recent pivot highs (resistance) and lows (support) using a 5-bar lookback.
Plotted as red (resistance) and green (support) crosses; listed in the table for strike selection.
Volume Analysis:
Detects volume spikes (1.5x the 20-period average) to confirm key moves (alert only, not in table).
Summary Table:
Positioned top-right, updates on the last bar with color-coded insights for quick decision-making.
Built-in conditions for breakouts (above resistance with bullish MA), breakdowns (below support with bearish MA), RSI extremes, and volume spikes.
CBT MASTERCBT MASTER Indicator – The Ultimate Game Changer! 🚀🔥
💎 CBT MASTER is not just another trading indicator—it’s your edge over the market! Built on Smart Money Concepts (SMC), this powerful tool is designed to detect liquidity grabs and market channeling like never before.
⚡ Stop guessing, start trading smart!
✅ Identifies liquidity zones with precision – Spot where the big players move!
✅ Tracks market channeling – Ride the trend with confidence!
✅ Perfect for all traders – Whether you're scalping or swinging, it fits your style!
This isn’t just an indicator—it’s a revolution. CBT MASTER will change the way you trade! 🔥
Customizable 3 EMA with RVOLCustomizable 3 EMA with RVOL
This TradingView indicator provides a customizable triple EMA setup along with Relative Volume (RVOL) to help traders analyze trends and market activity effectively.
✅ Three Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs): Customize the short, medium, and long-term EMAs to fit your trading strategy.
✅ Relative Volume (RVOL): Compares current volume with the average over a selected period to identify unusual trading activity.
✅ Table Display: A clean table in the top-right corner of the chart shows real-time EMA values (rounded to 2 decimals) and RVOL.
Use Cases:
🔹 Identify trend direction with EMA crossovers.
🔹 Spot high-volume breakouts with RVOL.
🔹 Improve trade entries and exits with dynamic support/resistance from EMAs.
This indicator is ideal for traders who rely on trend-following strategies and volume analysis to make informed trading decisions. 🚀
Let me know if you need any refinements!
ADR%-8 EMA Extension-ADR% Lines This indicator shows the following:
1. ADR% and the percent of the price from the ADR%
2. Is the price of the stock extended too far from the 8 EMA
3. What is the daily ADR range
Scalping Indikator (RSI, MACD) - CryptoTaurusDieser Scalping-Indikator kombiniert MACD & RSI, um starke und schwache Kauf-/Verkaufssignale anzuzeigen.
Er ist perfekt für Scalping & Day-Trading, da er klare Ein- und Ausstiegspunkte liefert.
- Kombination aus RSI & MACD für maximale Genauigkeit
- Zwei Signalstufen:
Starkes Signal (großer Pfeil) → RSI unter 35 / über 65 & MACD-Crossover
Schwaches Signal (kleiner Pfeil) → RSI unter 40 / über 60 & MACD-Crossover
- Automatische Alarme für Buy & Sell Signale
- Einfache visuelle Darstellung mit farbigen Pfeilen
- Funktioniert für Krypto, Forex, Aktien & Rohstoffe
Wie funktioniert der Indikator?
Bullisches Signal (Kaufsignal – Grüner Pfeil)
-RSI unter 35 (stark) oder unter 40 (schwach)
-MACD kreuzt über die Signallinie (bullisches Momentum)
-Bärisches Signal (Verkaufssignal – Roter Pfeil)
RSI über 65 (stark) oder über 60 (schwach)
MACD kreuzt unter die Signallinie (bärisches Momentum)
Automatische Alarme:
Kaufsignal-Alarm, wenn RSI niedrig & MACD-Crossover bullish
Verkaufssignal-Alarm, wenn RSI hoch & MACD-Crossover bearish
NoSweep CandlesNoSweep Candles – Identify Candles Without Liquidity Sweeps
The NoSweep Candles indicator highlights candles that do not break the high or low of the previous candle. This helps traders easily spot areas of consolidation, potential reversals, or moments of market indecision.
Key Features:
✅ White candle coloring when neither the high nor low of the previous candle is breached.
✅ Keeps default colors for other candles, maintaining a clean chart.
✅ Perfect for Smart Money Concept (SMC) traders, helping identify liquidity stability.
✅ No unnecessary signals or distractions, just pure price action analysis.
Use NoSweep Candles to refine your trading strategy and better understand market structure! 🚀
Engulfing Detector (Flexible)simple analysis using Candlestick Pattern Technique, Engulfing. The script will find the engulfing candle by considering the previous candle bar. For Bullish Engulfing it will be colored Green and for Bearish it will be colored Red you can change it as you wish. Each detected candle will give a buy or sell label and you can change it to be displayed or not. I suggest you to use this script in a Large TimeFrame Framework So There Are Not Many.
ORB StrategyCustom ORB Strategy Model
Was created for 09:00 - 09:23 consolidation
Breakout/Retest of this range is where we find our trade entries.
RSI Divergence IndicatorThe RSI Divergence Indicator detects and highlights Regular and Hidden Divergences between price and the Relative Strength Index (RSI). It helps traders identify potential trend reversals and continuation patterns by analyzing pivot points in both price action and RSI movement.